Mozilla 職場跨性別指南經驗分享




歡迎來聽聽 Mozilla 的〈職場性別轉換政策指南〉經驗分享,
了解同志諮詢熱線 & 婚姻平權大平台〈同志友善職場指南〉的建議。

Mozilla 與多元包容 D&I

早在 2013 年初,Mozilla 即提出全球性的〈社群參與準則〉,明定其目標要建立「讓任何人都能安心參與的社群」,並明確指出「故意以某人不認同的性別提及某人,並且/或者質疑個人性別認同」為不受歡迎的行為。

去年(2018),Mozilla 進一步訂定〈職場性別轉換政策指南〉,承諾主動的支持跨性別員工,依其個人意願,度過包含出櫃、更換公司法律文件的姓名與代名詞、直至性別重置手術等過程。亦針對其他成員,提供支持跨性別同事的相關學習、指引與諮詢資源,並在各國辦公室舉行跨性別與非二元性別相關講座。

Mozilla had created global Community Participation Guidelines as early as 2013, aims to build a community where all people can feel safe to participate, and stats that referring to someone by a gender that they do not identify with, or questioning the individual’s gender identity, is not acceptable within Mozilla community.

Last year, Mozilla introduced Mozilla Workplace Transition Policy Guidelines to support the transgender staff actively. According to their own choice, Mozilla promises to help them going through the transition process, from coming out, changing the name or sex on legal documents, and eventually medical treatment. Mozilla also offering coaching and resources for general staff and hosted webinars on trans and non-binary inclusion.


與作者對談 Talk with the Authors

今年適逢婚姻平權法制化,我們邀請到主筆 Mozilla 性別轉換政策的 Tara Robertson,及來自熱線,參與職場友善指南專案的蔡瑩芝一起對談,聊聊如何制定友善政策、如何在企業內推行、如何溝通,以及此類政策能怎麼實際幫到多元性別的員工。

We are happy to invite Tara Robertson, staff from Mozilla D&I team, and 蔡瑩芝 from (LGBT) Hotline Association, to share the experience of creating equality policy, promoting, and implement the policy in the workplace, and explain how such policy can benefit your LGBTQ+ staff and the whole company.


活動內容 Event Contents

  • Mozilla〈職場性別轉換政策指南〉制定與施行經驗分享
    Mozilla Workplace Transition Policy Guidelines, create and implement experience.

  • 熱線 & 大平台〈同志友善職場指南〉制定與推廣經驗分享
    Experience of "Workplace Equality Guidebook" by Hotline Association & Marriage Equality Platform.

  • 「多元性別社群在職場的困境——如何推動友善職場」座談與現場提問
    "Non-binary communities in work - how to promote & implement workplace equality" forum & QA


預先發問 Submit Questions

您可以在此 Slido 上預先提問,現場我們將會為您解答。
Welcome to pre-submit your questions at this Slido.
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注意事項 Notes

 The event will be host in English, more detail to come soon.

為協助每個人都能感到自在,參加本活動時請遵守 Mozilla 社群參與準則
To help create a positive experience for all, we require all participants to agree with the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines.


參考資料 Additional Resources


多元與包容是 Mozilla 的 核心價值
Diversity and inclusion are core to who we are at Mozilla.

We hope no people would feel uncomfortable in the workplace due to their gender identity.

#DiversityandInclusion @mozilla

社會創新實驗中心 2F B05 (Social Innovation Center) / 台北市大安區仁愛路三段99號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2019/10/15 21:00(+0800) ~ 2019/10/27 17:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料